Cable Squats - The Benefits and How to Do It ?
Using the cable machine to perform squats can be a great alternative to free weight barbell squats when you’re looking to switch things up and break up the monotony of your workout routine. What are cable machine squats? How do they compare to barbell squats? If you’re interested in incorporating this lower body exercise into your next workout session, keep reading to learn more about how you can incorporate cable machine squats into your routine and what the benefits are of doing so.
What are Cable Squats?
Cable squats have numerous benefits for bodybuilders, including some surprising strength improvements. If you’re looking for a new squat variation that might make you a little more chiseled, cable squats are just what you need. Once you learn how to do them, you’ll find they can help increase your leg strength as well as work muscles that most people don’t often target in their workouts. If these sound good to you, follow along with us as we show how to perform cable squats properly so that you can reap all of their benefits! As you may know, cable squats can be very beneficial to those who use them. They give your legs an intense workout while also working other muscle groups like your abs and back. When performed correctly, cable squats can help build muscle mass in key areas of your lower body, helping improve overall tone and appearance. Cable machine squats may also improve flexibility if done regularly because they require significant movement from each part of your lower body. They will even burn calories quickly due to their intensity level! By adding cable machine squats into your regular routine you could easily lose weight over time by targeting problem areas or toning down trouble spots like arms or legs that seem out of shape.
Why Should I Use Them?
Although there are many different types of squat exercises, cable squats might be one of my favorites. Cable squats challenge your strength, balance, stability, and coordination unlike any other exercise. But what are cable squats? Read on to find out! Cable squats are performed using a cable machine (duh). These machines have multiple handles that allow you to move in a variety of directions and with a variety of resistance levels. Cable squats work your legs (obviously), but they also work your core, upper body, and even back muscles because you must stabilize yourself throughout the movement in order to maintain proper form. You can perform cable squats at home or at a gym. You'll need a cable machine and some kind of weight (dumbbells or ankle weights would work best). If you're performing them at home, I recommend placing an exercise mat underneath you for comfort and safety reasons. If you're performing them at a gym, just make sure that no one is watching so they don't laugh too hard when you inevitably fall over during your first few attempts! To perform cable squats: Stand in front of your cable machine with feet shoulder width apart. Grasp both handles tightly with hands facing forward. Place feet hip width apart while keeping knees bent slightly forward to protect lower back from injury. Slowly bend knees until thighs are parallel to floor. Slowly stand up again by extending hips and knees. Repeat steps 3 through 6 until set is complete. Perform 2 sets of 10 repetitions each if possible. Cable squats will improve your balance, coordination, muscle tone, endurance, strength, and more! They're great for building overall leg muscle mass as well as toning specific areas such as your inner thighs. Just remember not to use too much weight or you could end up injuring yourself!
Where Can I Use Them?
Cable machines are great because they allow you to put your body in a position it wouldn’t normally be in. If your gym doesn’t have one, you can still perform cable squats at home. Choose two sturdy chairs of appropriate height, stand between them with your feet shoulder width apart, grab both ends of a towel and loop it around them as pictured. Stand up tall, grip each end firmly, tighten your abs and squat down as low as you can. Make sure to keep looking forward for an entire range of motion; don’t let your head drop. Once done, slowly walk back up without letting go of either side. Aim for three sets of five repetitions if possible! Remember that these builds strong leg muscles!
What Type of Equipment Will I Need?
Depending on what type of cable station you have available, high cable squats can be done with a straight bar, a cambered bar or a rope. Each of these bars will allow you to stand while performing cable squats, but they each work slightly differently. Stand in front of your chosen weight stack and attach either your rope or a cambered bar to it. If you are using a straight bar (most common), grab it from its center—not from an end. Stand with feet just outside shoulder width, holding one end of the bar firmly between your hands at about chest level.
Form and Technique
You’re probably familiar with basic squats—the exercise in which you lower your body until your thighs are parallel to the floor. High cable squats, on the other hand, are where you perform a squat while holding a weight (or cable machine) above your head. This forces you to balance not only your own weight but also that of an object. In addition, because of how high you have to raise your arms in order for them not to get in their way, it also works out your deltoids as well as all parts of your core. To do these, simply grab a barbell (or any kind of weighted object) and lift it above head level. Then position yourself so that it is directly over top of you, keeping it level as best as possible.
What Are Some Alternatives for Variations?
Cable squats are often used as a replacement for barbell squats. They are effective at working multiple muscle groups in your legs, especially your quadriceps. Barbell squats can be hard on your joints, especially if you have a history of joint problems like arthritis or other issues. Cable squats are a great alternative because they force you to focus on form rather than allowing your mind to wander while doing them. They also allow you to vary where you place tension on your body which helps make them more effective at building muscle mass overall.
Staying Safe
While cable squats are effective for working your legs, you need to make sure you're safe. Ensure that there is no slack in your weight stacks by adjusting them accordingly. Additionally, avoid turning around or facing away from any machine since you don't want an injury due to a lack of concentration or support. If your gym doesn't have cables available for these exercises, don't worry! You can substitute with leg presses or dumbbells. Also be careful about how much weight you use for each exercise; it's better not to add too much weight than to overload yourself and risk injury! Be safe and start squatting today!